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Shri Suktam

Om Hiranya Varnaam Harineem Suvarna Rajata Srajaam ।
Chandraam Hiranmayeem Lakshmeem Jaatavedo Ma Aa Vaha ॥1॥

Meaning – O omniscient Agnidev! Invoke Goddess Lakshmi for me. The one who has golden yellow complexion, the wearer of gold and silver necklaces and who has the radiance like the moon ॥1॥

Taam Ma Aa Vaha Jaatavedo Lakshmee Manapa Gaamineem ।
Yasyaam Hiranyam Vindeyam Gaamashvam Purushaa Naham ॥2॥

Meaning – Oh fire! Invoke for me that Goddess Lakshmi, who is never destroyed and by whose arrival I will get gold, cow, horse and descendant etc. ॥2॥

Ashva Purvaam Ratha Madhyaam Hastinaada Pramodineem ।
Shriyam Deveemupa Hvaye Shreermaa Devee Jushataam ॥3॥

Meaning – There are horses in front of The Goddess and chariots behind her and who rejoice on hearing the trumpet of an elephant, I invoke the same Sridevi. Goddess Lakshmi bless me ॥3॥

Kaam Sosmitaam Hiranya Praakaaraa Maardraam
Jvalanteem Triptaam Tarpayanteem ।
Padme Sthitaam Padma Varnaam
Taamihopa Hvaye Shriyam ॥4॥

Meaning – I invoke here Goddess Lakshmi, who is the real Brahmarupa, who smiles softly, who is covered with gold, kind, full of aura, perfect, who is gracious to her devotees, who is seated on the lotus and whose complexion is also like a lotus ॥4॥

Chandraam Prabhaasaam Yashasaa Jvalanteem
Shriyam Loke Deva Jushtaa Mudaaraam ।
Taam Padmineemeem Sharanam Prapadye
Alakshmeerme Nashyataam Tvaam Vrine ॥5॥

Meaning – I take refuge of Goddess Lakshmi, the one who holds lotus in her hand, who is as bright as the moon, generous, beautiful, radiant with fame and worshiped by the gods in heaven. May my poverty go away. I choose you as the giver of refuge ॥5॥

Aaditya Varne Tapasoadhi Jaato
Vanaspati Stava Vrikshoatha Bilvah ।
Tasya Phalaani Tapasaa Nudantu
Yaa Antaraa Yaashcha Baahyaa Alakshmeeh ॥6॥

Meaning – O as bright as the sun! Due to your tenacity, the most auspicious Bilva tree was born. Its fruits remove our external and internal poverty ॥6॥

Upaitu Maam Devasakhah
Keertishcha Maninaa Saha ।
Praadurbhutoasmi Raashtreasmin
Keerti Mriddhim Dadaatu Me ॥7॥

Meaning – Goddess! May friend of gods Kuber and his friend Manibhadra and Daksha Prajapati’s daughter Kirti get to me, that is, may I get wealth and fame. I am born in this nation, grant me fame and prosperity ॥7॥

Kshutpipaasaa Malaam Jyeshthaama Lakshmeem Naashayaa Myaham ।
Abhutima Samriddhim Cha Sarvaam Nirnuda Me Grihaat ॥8॥

Meaning – I want the destruction of Lakshmi’s eldest sister, Alakshmi ( the presiding deity of poverty ), who is filthy and feeble by hunger and thirst. Goddess! Remove all kinds of poverty and evil from my house ॥8॥

Gandha Dvaaraam Duraadharshaam Nitya Pushtaam Kareeshineem ।
Ishvareem Sarva Bhutaanaam Taamihopa Hvaye Shriyam ॥9॥

Meaning – One who is predominant, virtuous and have the smell and quality of cow dung. Whose form is the earth, I invoke Goddess Lakshmi, the owner of all the elements, here in my house ॥9॥

Manasah Kaamamaa Kutim Vaachah Satya Masheemahi ।
Pashunaam Rupa Mannasya Mayi Shreeh Shrayataam Yashah ॥10॥

Meaning – May the fulfillment of the desires and accomplishment of resolutions and the truth of speech be attained by me. May Sridevi come to us in the form of cow and other animals and various types of food items and in the form of fame ॥10॥

Kardamena Prajaa Bhutaa Mayi Sambhava Kardama ।
Shriyam Vaasaya Me Kule Maataram Padma Maalineem ॥11॥

Meaning – We are the children of Kardam, son of Lakshmi. Kardam Rishi! You appear here and establish Goddess Lakshmi in our family, who holds the garland of lotus ॥11॥

Aapah Srijantu Snigdhaani Chikleeta Vasa Me Grihe ।
Ni Cha Deveem Maataram Shriyam Vaasaya Me Kule ॥12॥

Meaning – Water! Create aliphatic substances. O son of Goddess Lakshmi, Chiklit! You should also reside in my house and make mother Lakshmi reside in my family ॥12॥

Aardraam Pushkarineem Pushtim Pingalaam Padma Maalineem ।
Chandraam Hiranmayeem Lakshmeem Jaatavedo Ma Aa Vaha ॥13॥

Meaning – Fire! Invite Goddess Lakshmi in my house who is kind-hearted, holds lotus in hand, nurturer, who has golden yellow complexion, wears the garland of lotus and having a bright glow like the moon ॥13॥

Aardraam Yah Karineem Yashtim Suvarnaam Hema Maalineem ।
Suryaam Hiranmayeem Lakshmeem Jaatavedo Ma Aa Vaha ॥14॥

Meaning – Fire! Invite Goddess Lakshmi to me, who is gentle in nature even though she is the destroyer of the wicked, who is auspicious, who provides support, who has beautiful complexion, wearer of garland of gold, bright as the sun and covered with gold ॥14॥

Taam Ma Aa Vaha Jaatavedo Lakshmee Manapa Gaamineem ।
Yasyaam Hiranyam Prabhutam Gaavo Daasyo Ashvaan Vindeyam Purushaa Naham ॥15॥

Meaning – Fire! Invoke Goddess Lakshmi for me the one who never perishes, from whose arrival we can get a lot of wealth, cows, maidens, horses and descendants ॥15॥

Yah Shuchih Prayato Bhutvaa Juhuyaadaajya Manvaham ।
Suktam Pancha Dasharcham Cha Shree Kaamah Satatam Japet ॥16॥

Meaning – One who has the desire of Lakshmi, every day, being pure and restrained, should offer ghee in the fire and continuously recite the Shri Suktam containing these fifteen hymns ॥16॥

Padmaanane Padma Vipadma Patre Padmapriye Padma Dalaayataakshi ।
Vishvapriye Vishnu Manoanukule Tvatpaada Padmam Mayi San Ni Dhatsva ॥17॥

Meaning – Whose face like a lotus! The one who lays her lotus feet on the lotus flower! Lotus lover! Big eyes like a lotus petal! Dear to the whole world! One who behaves according to the mind of Lord Vishnu! Please place your lotus feet in my heart ॥17॥

Padmaanane Padmauru Padmaakshi Padma Sambhave ।
Tanme Bhajasi Padmaakshi Yena Saukhyam Labhaamyaham ॥18॥

Meaning – With a lotus-like face! Femoral region like lotus! Eyes like lotus! Emerged from the lotus! Padmaakshi! Bring me up in a way that gives me happiness ॥18॥

Ashvadaayi Godaayi Dhanadaayi Mahaadhane ।
Dhanam Me Jushataam Devi Sarva Kaamaanshcha Dehi Me ॥19॥

Meaning – O Goddess of great wealth! Giver of horse, giver of cow, giver of money, may I always have enough money, you give me all the desired things ॥19॥

Putra Pautra Dhanam Dhaanyam Hastya Shvaashvataree Ratham ।
Prajaanaam Bhavasi Maataa Aayushmantam Karotu Me ॥20॥

Meaning – You are the mother of all beings. May my sons, grandsons, wealth, grains, elephants, horses, mules and chariots be blessed with a long life ॥20॥

Dhanamagnir Dhanam Vaayur Dhanam Suryo Dhanam Vasuh ।
Dhanamindro Brihaspatir Varuno Dhana Mashvinaa ॥21॥

Meaning – Agni, Vayu, Surya, Vasugana, Indra, Brihaspati, Varuna and Ashwini Kumar – they are all splendid ॥21॥

Vainateya Somam Piba Somam Pibatu Vritrahaa ।
Somam Dhanasya Somino Mahyam Dadaatu Sominah ॥22॥

Meaning – O Garuda! Drink Somarasa. Indra, the destroyer of Vritrasura! Drink Somarasa. May the Garuda and Indra bestow me Somarasa of the rich men, who desires to drink Somarasa ॥22॥

Na Krodho Na Cha Maatsaryam Na Lobho Naashubhaa Matih ।
Bhavanti Krita Punyaanaam Bhaktyaa Shree Sukta Jaapinaam ॥23॥

Meaning – Those virtuous people, who chant Shri Suktam with devotion, do not get angry, neither get jealous, nor can they get greedy and their intellect never get corrupted ॥23॥

Sarasija Nilaye Saroja Haste
Dhavala Taraanshuka Gandha Maalya Shobhe ।
Bhagavati Hari Vallabhe Manogye
Tribhuvana Bhutikari Praseeda Mahyam ॥24॥

Meaning – Seated on lotus, the one who holds lotus in her hand, the one who is adorned with very bright cloth, aromatic substances and flowers, the beloved of Lord Vishnu and the one who bestows the opulence to all the world, O Goddess! Be happy with me ॥24॥

Vishnu Patneem Kshamaam Deveem Maadhaveem Maadhava Priyaam ।
Lakshmeem Priya Sakheem Bhumim Namaamya Chyuta Vallabhaam ॥25॥

Meaning – I bow to Lord Vishnu’s wife, Maadhavi, Maadhav Priyaa, Priya Sakhee, Achyuta Vallabhaa, Bhudevee Goddess Lakshmi who is the epitome of forgiveness ॥25॥

Mahaa Lakshmyai Cha Vidmahe Vishnu Patnyai Cha Dheemahi ।
Tanno Lakshmeeh Prachodayaat ॥26॥

Meaning – We know and meditate on Mahalakshmi, the consort of Lord Vishnu. May Goddess Lakshmi give us inspiration to walk on the right path ॥26॥

Aanandah Kardamah Shree Dashchikleeta Iti Vishrutaah ।
Rishayah Shriyah Putraashcha Shreer Deveer Devataa Mataah ॥27॥

Meaning – In the previous kalpa, there were four famous sages named Ananda, Kardama, Shrida and Chikleeta. In the second cycle with the same name, they all became the sons of Lakshmi. Later, from the same sons, Mahalakshmi was blessed with a very luminous body, from the same Mahalakshmi the gods were also pleased ॥27॥

Rinarogaadi Daaridrya Paapa Kshudapa Mrityavah ।
Bhaya Shoka Manastaapaa Nashyantu Mama Sarvadaa ॥28॥

Meaning – Debt, disease, poverty, sin, hunger, premature death, fear, grief and mental disorders etc. – May all these my obstacles be destroyed forever ॥28॥

Shreer Varchasva Maayushya Maarogya Maavidhaachchhobha Maanam Maheeyate ।
Dhanam Dhaanyam Pashum Bahuputra Laabham Shata Samvatsaram Deergha Maayuh ॥29॥

Meaning – May Goddess Mahalakshmi bless human beings with energy, life, health, wealth, grain, animals, many sons and a long life of one hundred years. Human beings be adorned with all of these and get prestige ॥29॥


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