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Showing posts from October, 2022


Shiva Lingashtakam is a very powerful mantra consisting of eight verses. It is used to pray to Lord Shiva. The glory of Shivalinga has been described in all its verses. ॥ Lingashtakam ॥ Brahma Muraari Suraarchita Lingam Nirmala Bhaasita Shobhita Lingam । Janmaja Dukha Vinaashaka Lingam Tat Pranamaami Sadaashiva Lingam ॥1॥ Meaning – I bow to the Sadashiva Linga, which is worshiped by Brahma, Vishnu and all the gods and is adorned with pure radiance, and which is the destroyer of birth-born sorrow, that is, the giver of salvation ॥1॥ Deva Muni Pravaraarchita Lingam Kaama Daham Karunaakara Lingam । Raavana Darpa Vinaashana Lingam Tat Pranamaami Sadaashiva Lingam ॥2॥ Meaning – I bow to the Sadashiva Linga, which is worshiped by the best gods and sages, who is the destroyer of Cupid, is the mine of compassion and destroyer of the pride of Raavana ॥2॥ Sarva Sugandhi Sulepita Lingam Buddhi Vivardhana Kaarana Lingam । Siddha Suraasura Vandita Lingam Tat Pranamaami Sadaashiva Lingam ॥3॥ Meaning


Bilva tree is most sacred and revered. Bilva tree and Bilva leaves are very dear to Lord Shiva. At the time of worship of Lord Shiva, offering Bilva leaves while reciting Bilvashtakam , one gets the special grace of Mahadeva. ॥ Bilvashtakam ॥ Tridalam Trigunaakaaram Trinetram Cha Trayaayudham । Trijanma Paapa Sanhaaram Bilvapatram Shivaarpanam ॥1॥ Meaning – Bilvapatra with three leaves is symbol of three gunas ( Satva, Raja and Tama ), form of three eyes of Shiva, form of Shiva’s weapon (  Trishula  ) and destroyer of sins of three births, I offer that Bilvapatra to Lord Shiva ॥1॥ Trishaakhair Bilva Patraishcha Hyachchhidraih Komalaih Shubhaih । Shivapujaam Karishyaami Bilvapatram Shivaarpanam ॥2॥ Meaning – I will worship Lord Shiva with poreless, soft and three-leafed bilva leaf that gives auspiciousness. I offer Bilvapatra to Lord Shiva ॥2॥ Akhanda Bilva Patrena Pujite Nandikeshvare । Shuddhyanti Sarva Paapebhyo Bilvapatram Shivaarpanam ॥3॥ Meaning – By worshiping the Lord of Nandi w

Shri Suktam

Om Hiranya Varnaam Harineem Suvarna Rajata Srajaam । Chandraam Hiranmayeem Lakshmeem Jaatavedo Ma Aa Vaha ॥1॥ Meaning – O omniscient Agnidev! Invoke Goddess Lakshmi for me. The one who has golden yellow complexion, the wearer of gold and silver necklaces and who has the radiance like the moon ॥1॥ Taam Ma Aa Vaha Jaatavedo Lakshmee Manapa Gaamineem । Yasyaam Hiranyam Vindeyam Gaamashvam Purushaa Naham ॥2॥ Meaning – Oh fire! Invoke for me that Goddess Lakshmi, who is never destroyed and by whose arrival I will get gold, cow, horse and descendant etc. ॥2॥ Ashva Purvaam Ratha Madhyaam Hastinaada Pramodineem । Shriyam Deveemupa Hvaye Shreermaa Devee Jushataam ॥3॥ Meaning – There are horses in front of The Goddess and chariots behind her and who rejoice on hearing the trumpet of an elephant, I invoke the same Sridevi. Goddess Lakshmi bless me ॥3॥ Kaam Sosmitaam Hiranya Praakaaraa Maardraam Jvalanteem Triptaam Tarpayanteem । Padme Sthitaam Padma Varnaam Taamihopa Hvaye Shriyam ॥4॥ Meaning – I